


“ A group of political college aged students are trying to form an official union for voters who are also into technology. They plan to use the funds they raise to rent a loft for their headquarters and also purchase Read more ›

Urban Knights

“   A project to showcase the talented hip hop dancers from the streets of Atlanta who want to tour the country for underprivileged kids. They each share their stories of how they escaped the dangerous streets by taking dance lessons.

140 Characters

“ A new play about Twitter and social media by Doriano Carta AKA @Paisano who has written hundreds of reviews about social media, startups and apps through the years for giant tech resources such as, GigaOm, Appilicious and more. Read more ›

Viola’s Violin

“ Support Viola who wants to release a collection of her original compositions on violin. Fusing hiphop with classical music for the first time, Viola will get many young people interested in classical music like never before!

Triple Threat

“ A new reality TV show where contestants must excel at singing and dancing but also with acting! The winner gets crowned as America’s ultimate Triple Threat and earns a prize money and a contract to perform on Broadway for Read more ›